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Personal Injury

Every year, millions of people suffer from injuries caused by accidents. This can happen at home, in a workplace, in a shop and even outdoors. There are times where nobody can be blamed for such injuries but at times, there are. If you believe that an individual or a company should be responsible for your injury, you may be able to bring a personal injury claim in order to receive compensation for your injury.

Here at Chapel Law Solicitors, our highly professional lawyers would assess your case based on its merits and fight for your interest. We will provide you with honest legal advice and information, tailored to each and every case. As personal injury cases may appear or seem intimidating to many, our individual-based approach will ease your nerves and offer you reassurance.

As there are strict time limits for claiming compensation for personal injury (which varies according to the nature and circumstances of your injury), it is best to contact our lawyer as soon as practicable after your accident to avoid disappointment caused by time bars.